NG12 – OC Sensor™ shown to be cost effective

The recent publication of the NICE Diagnostics guidance reported that OC Sensor™ is cost effective in the NG12 pathway when compared to other FIT, guaiac and no triage models.
A breakdown of costs and outcomes in the financial analysis demonstrated that in the base case, OC Sensor™ generated 38% less false positives than comparator FIT products.
Less false positives should result in a significant reduction in 2ww pathway colonoscopies and reduced patient exposure to the small but not insignificant risk of colonoscopy related complications. Adopting OC Sensor™ will increase colonoscopy yield while reducing patient waiting times.
Using a cut off of 10ug/g as part of the NG12 pathway, the NICE diagnostic guidance calculates that OC Sensor™ will offer clinicians a negative predictive value of 99.8%.