IVD solutions through partnership
Welcome to Mast Group
Mast Group is an independent manufacturer and supplier of in-vitro diagnostic products for clinical, industrial and veterinary testing. With 60 years of experience and expertise in diagnostics, Mast Group provide a product and service you can rely on.
Mast Group & Eiken in partnership

Mast Group and Eiken have a long standing partnership that has seen them collaborating for over 30 years. In Europe, Mast Group have established the OC-Sensor™ FIT test in 10 countries. In France in 2015, a national FIT screening programme was implemented for the early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC). Approximately 8 million eligible people receiving written invitations, for FIT screening with OC-Sensor™ annually.
In the Austrian Burgenland, early detection of colorectal cancer is given great significance. As early as 2003, an organised screening programme (bPREDICT) was initiated for the early detection of CRC. Since 2010 approximately 150,000 Burgenlanders have been invited every year for FIT screening with OC-Sensor™.
Mast Group and Eiken have extensive experience in both national CRC screening programmes and in other screening projects. Each new screening project, however big or small, is looked after competently and individually by us.
About Mast Group
Mast Group was founded in 1957 by John Oliver in Liverpool, UK. Mast Group originally began by manufacturing antibiotic sensitivity tests; the name of our company is derived from these…
About Eiken
In our product field of FIT we offer to you exclusively the worldwide leading FIT screening test for the early detection of colorectal cancer, the OC-Sensor™ FIT system from the Japanese manufacturer Eiken Chemical Co Ltd…